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    The relationship between mental wellbeing and our physical health is widely acknowledged. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommend talking therapies like Clinical Hypnotherapy, CBT, Mind Management as treatments for conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome in adults; Nocturnal Enuresis; Weight Management; PTSD. Macmillan and bodies such as the Rossendale Hospice have endorsed Hypnotherapy as positive treatment for cancer patients at all stages of illness and indeed in post cancer cases.

    I have practised successfully to alleviate symptoms in clients with Parkinson’s Disease, Cancer, Heart Disease and common but distressing skin disorders like Eczema and Psoriasis. It is important from my perspective to emphasise that I see the therapy I offer as complementary to conventional medicine rather than as alternative to. I do advance the view that relaxation techniques and mind management can replace drug therapy but where serious physical conditions exist, such as cancer, I work to support the mental wellbeing of patients as research shows us that this can impact in not only the effectiveness of conventional treatments but also in terms of quality of life.

    If you are suffering a chronic illness or have been recently diagnosed with an acute or even life threatening disorder then engaging in mind therapy is very likely to help you. A very obvious example is the of embarking on weight loss therapy where diabetes has been diagnosed.

    I list here just a number of health issues that are known to respond to the therapies I offer:

    Acid Stomach Relaxation: I will help you to relax with an acidic stomach using hypnotherapy

    Alzheimer’s Disease: Therapy to help both the suffer and family come to terms with and then manage the progress of the disease to the best possible outcome.
    Arthritis: Relaxation and in particular pain management techniques can significantly improve the quality of life for arthritis sufferers.
    Asthma: General relaxation, reduction of tension and exploration of the underlying anxieties, frustration or anger relevant to the client’s condition can all help you to relax with asthmatic attacks. The use of imagery associated with freeing the bronchi and the chest muscles imparts a feeling of direct control over your body, especially when an attack is thought to be starting.

    Ataxia: People with ataxia have problems with their co-ordination. This is because parts of the nervous system that normally control co-ordination and balance are affected. Some of the first symptoms typically include poor co-ordination of the arms and legs, slurred speech and sometimes problems with vision, hearing and swallowing. Clinical Hypnotherapy and Mind Management combined can prove very effective in helping sufferers regain control and co-ordination.

    Bipolar: Sufferers and the people around them often have a window of opportunity when there is an awareness that an episode is possible. Relaxation and engaging in therapy that equips you with the ability to lessen stress and other impacting aspects can help you manage and control the illness.
    Blood Pressure: There is a clear and established relationship between stress, anxiety and lifestyle issues and having high blood pressure. By complementing conventional treatment with therapy you can expect to manage your blood pressure more effectively.
    Cancer: There are a number of therapeutic techniques that enable you to feel engaged and as a participant in the treatment of your cancer. This empowers you and lifts mood enhancing your potential to recover and/or to manage your illness in a way that permits good quality of life. Support to carers is also offered.

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: CFS patients are often observed to be hypersensitive to stress. Stress does not merely mean unpleasant experiences, but rather any biological stressors, physical or emotional, which prompt a protective reaction in the body and which may alter the physiologic equilibrium known as homeostasis. Stress in this physiological sense may be subtle and may not necessarily be noticed. Merely hearing loud sounds or seeing bright lights may be stressful in this context. Therapy can help you with stress and anxiety and to visualize an energized lifestyle which forges a self fulfilling and healing response.

    Coping with HIV: A significant number of people experience negative feelings after being diagnosed with HIV, and this is entirely normal, however they must all find ways of healing their emotions if they are to resume a normal life, for nowadays with advancing medicine, there is every chance of normal life expectancy – especially with the help of therapy.

    Crohn’s Disease: Become in tune with your body and find it easy to avoid the foods that trigger the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease. Crohn’s Disease Relaxation.

    Emphysema: Emphysema is a disease of the lungs where some of the air sacs in your lungs are damaged, making it harder to breathe. Most cases of emphysema are caused by smoking, but it can also caused by a rare genetic disorder and perhaps even from air pollution – however – hypnosis can help you with this problem by showing you techniques the prevent the panic associated with struggling to breath.

    Endoscopy Relaxation: Such examinations cause anxiety in most people. However with therapy you can go for the test with confidence that you will be and will remain so relaxed and detached that it may almost feel like its happening to someone else.
    Epilepsy: Anxiety and indeed anticipatory anxiety around having an episode can make the likeyhood of one more likely. Therefore therapy to address this can alleviate the condition and frequency of episode and can diminish the traumatic impact when one does happen.
    Fibromyalgia: This distressing condition responds to relaxation and pain management therapy. Counsel re the impact of the condition is also useful as sufferers often feel depressed and ‘dragged down’ by the disease.
    General Healing Relaxation: Promotes health and well-being to clients who have been through an exhausting period of illness by helping them to find balance and harmony.

    Headaches and Migraines: Pain management in hypnotherapy helps alleviate pain and permits rest and recuperation.
    Indigestion and IBS: Learn simple yet effective ways of easing the discomfort.
    Candida Overgrowth: One of the major factors that trigger Candidiasis is stress; stress weakens our immune systems and makes us more vulnerable to infections, so it’s very important to relax more often, take more time to enjoy life.

    Chemotherapy: Undergoing treatment can be challenging both physically and mentally. Patients often report feeling isolated and depressed. Talking with someone who is supportive yet outside your emotional look can help you through the treatment and empower you in your response to cancer.
    Diabetes: A life threatening condition yet one which can be managed and in some instances eradicated by making health and lifestyle changes. Coaching and therapy to help you manage and make changes where possible can significantly help you deal and address a diabetes diagnosis.
    Macular Degeneration: Any condition that affects our senses has the potential to be traumatic and to prompt negative unwelcome feelings. The thought of losing one’s sight can leave you feeling threatened and depressed. Nurturing a positive coping response and one which empowers you to seek the best treatment and support is vital. Therapy can and will help you in this.
    Osteoporosis; Pancreatitis; Parkinson’s Disease; Raynaud’s Disease, Shingles; Sciatica, Sleep Apnoea, Stroke Relaxation; Tinnitus… the list can be endless.

    Essentially the message is the for most physical illnesses there is a medical and response and treatment. You can enhance your response by engaging in therapy and by utilising to the full your own resources. Contact me to discuss if the interventions I offer are likely to be of benefit in helping you face the challenges you have.

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