My work has been featured in a number of media articles and on radio shows. Clients stories of weight loss, hypnotherapy and infertility treatment, alleviating anxiety and depression, lifestyle change, and the relevance of hypnotherapy and mind management in the treatment of physical presentations of stress…IBS, psoriasis, eczema have been featured. Below are just some of the printed stories and the audio’s including a very interesting one with myself on Radio City’s Dr Mike show. Please do take time to read and listen to these.

I was delighted to be invited onto BBC Radio Lancashire in July 2013 :
In January 2013 I was featured on Radio City Liverpool’s Dr Mike Show :
An interview with BBC Radio Lancashire followed my appearance in the Lancashire Evening Post which you can listen to below :
One of the weight loss therapies I offer with my own interpretation and application is the ‘Hypnoband’ programme. This programme has been successfully followed by some celebrity figures such as Nigella Lawson and Lilly Allen. Lorraine Kelly has featured this approach on her morning show as have other TV programmes like Embarrassing Bodies. See below:
The technique has been featured on Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies programme & GMTV with Lorraine Kelly :
In the video below the client is asked to have only liquids for two days after the ‘hypnoband’ session and then to eat only pureed food for two weeks. Following a diet of this type will obviously allow the client to lose weight! I do not ask my clients to indulge in ‘denial’. This is where diets fail and my approach to the hypnoband is quite different to that offered to this client. My clients succeed in the long term and the hypnoband is just one tool used to help embed new ways of being. See Therapies and my weight loss pages.
A Channel 4 Embarrassing Fat Bodies feature on the Hypno-Band programme: