Information Request


    Fear & PhobiasAs a therapist I have encountered many clients wanting help in overcoming fears and phobias. Many people would love to expel the fears that can often rule their lives and hypnosis and mind management techniques have been proven to be very successful in helping clients to deal with these challenges. A common aspect of fears and phobias however is that people often feel embarrassed and even ashamed to disclose. To assure you I have worked with a wide range of people including high performers who had endured needlessly fears and phobias that are quite typically successfully addressed in therapy.

    This excerpt from a testimonial from a client who feared flying again shows the merit in therapy:

    “I was feeling great about going on holiday and very relaxed about the flight. In the morning I was a little anxious but then the taxi driver came to pick us up and I suddenly started to feel better. As we reached the airport I was feeling excited rather than anxious/nauseous as I would have been in the past. I managed to eat a snack at the airport and boarded the plane without event. The following 15 hours of flight went without event and I managed to both get some sleep and eat whilst on the plane. I would not go so far as to say I enjoyed the flight but I was no longer fearful of it.

    Our actual holiday was wonderful and we have so many great memories from it. Not once did I feel anxious or nervous about the trip back home and when the day came to fly back the only thing I was feeling was disappointed that it was over so soon. I again boarded the plane and got home without event and am feeling very proud of myself.

    Thanks for all your help – I could not have altered my thought processes without you.”

    The message is clear. Whatever your phobia or fear it can be overcome and consigned to history. I list here a number of commonly presenting fears and phobias. If you do wish to address yours, be it listed here or not contact me.

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