In these uncertain Covid-19 pandemic times many people are taking stock of their lives and seeking out ‘coaching’ in order to make positive change. Life Coaching is an area of work I have been involved in for many years. Now its increasingly defined as something unique and modern when in reality the essentials of coaching were introduced to me in the 80’s in one module of a Social Work Degree. Its not rocket science and anyone who infers otherwise is being disingenuous.
A good coach will deliver pragmatic, sensible, and consider suggestion and concepts for you to consider. Working with you to enhance your potential, and free you from perspectives that are holding you back are the basics of coaching. You will find the sessions supportive and empathetic and I will help you to discover and then realise your core ambitions and values. Yes there are specific strategies that will help you grow, such as Mind Management/CBT, Counsel, Hypnotherapy etc but often the realisation and awakenings come in context of a non-judgement and liberating counselling context. We keep it simple. Simple works and is easy to migrate into every-day life.
In our first meeting we work together we engage in an informal reflective discussion whereby early goals and aims are recognised whilst acknowledging that in a dynamic process these may evolve and others come to the fore. The initial meeting is on a no-obligation basis and should you continue a further five sessions in a first programme is the norm.
If you wish to call me to discuss please do so and we can talk it over.
For more information enter your details below or contact me for an informal chat and/or to arrange a free, no obligation initial consultation…