Muses and schmoozies from an ex-hypnotherapy client. Please note: My opinions in no way represent the views of others related to this site!

Why am I shrinking? Because having now completed my sessions with ‘Hypno-Hoyles’ I  have lost a significant amount of weight and know I will lose even more as I continue forward on my exciting ‘for-life’ journey.

Is it truly ‘Mind-expanding’? Well, er, no not really – but hopefully there’ll be some interesting stuff I’ve picked up on t’internet (and I’m a sucker for a catchy title!)

For example:

According to a report I read today on sciencedaily.com, counsellors who have lost then maintained a healthy weight themselves, are more successful at helping obese patients lose weight.

Any research that helps obese patients is welcome and indeed vital for progression and understanding, but surely this result was predictable? Isn’t it fairly obvious that anyone seeking help from a health professional, will be inspired by someone who has stood in their shoes; been in a similar place; achieved good results and managed to maintain them?

Read the full article here


Apparently, non-physician health professionals who are obese themselves, haven’t experienced as much success with their patients. I do believe that any practitioner with a weight problem will understand and empathise of course, but faced with someone who has actually lost their excess weight and changed their own lifestyle for the better, then surely this will encourage their patients to do the same? What better role model?

Personally I think I would find it difficult to trust the word of someone who didn’t ‘practise what they preach’.

Hmmm… What do you think?


Now then, have you ever considered the impact your weight has on the planet?? No, me neither to be honest!

Just enter your details here to see where you are on the Global Fat Scale:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-18770328

It turns out that if everyone in the world weighed the same as me – it would add almost 218 million tonnes to the weight of the world’s population! (Washing out my tuna tins for recycling seems a bit pointless now!) Interestingly I am most like a woman from Tonga.

My only experience of Tonga comes from playing ‘shops’ as a child: the plastic coins in my toy till were stamped with ‘Queen of Tonga’. I never imagined we’d have so much in common!

After finding out my result, I googled and learnt a little bit about the Tongans: apparently they eat tons of fresh fish and export exotic fruits. Who’d have thought my weight loss journey would improve my geography knowledge?

I have often felt like I’ve had the weight of the world on my shoulders – I never thought  about it being the other way around. Another reason to definitely keep up with my healthy lifestyle!

Anyway,  a bit of fun and quite interesting. Have a go!


Finally, when I saw Russell recently, he just happened to mention where his clinic in Liverpool is moving to. The Spire has a new state of the art medical facility at “Number One Penny Lane”.

Just possibly the coolest address on the planet Russell!


Next time: 

How come we crave the food that harms us? 

Why I genuinely love to feel hungry, and how Russell’s program has made me taller!

Mind-expanding thinking from a woman ever-shrinking…
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