Is your man carrying too much belly fat!?!?! Or do you need to ‘Man up’ and make change!?

Belly fat is bad fat!!

Belly FatA major health concern is that men who are carrying a few pounds too many often store extra fat in the abdomen. In the battle between apple shapes and pear shapes, many men are on the side of the apple.

And that’s bad news. Belly fat is particularly dangerous, because it not only lies under the skin, it’s often stored deep in the abdomen, surrounding major organs. According to Dr Michael D Jensen, a specialist at the Mayo Clinic in the US, “Regardless of your overall weight, having a large amount of belly fat increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer and sleep apnea.”

So even if your overall score on the scales isn’t too bad, having excess belly fat is bad news and it needs to be shifted.

Men don’t diet

The best dieting tip for men may well be this: don’t go on a diet. Those of you who know me would expect me to say this… diets don’t work!

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat smaller portions of healthier food, and complement it with increased physical activity, but experts believe the very concept of a diet can have many men running for the hills.

In any case many of the diet plans that you may read about in the media are focused on women, which means that men who attempt them are likely to fail… even not achieving a temporary loss ‘successful’ diets achieve.

Weight loss is a simple equation of burning off more calories than you consume so provided you reduce how many calories you take in (and ideally burn more calories by being active too) you will lose weight!

So men shouldn’t follow diets designed for women, women shouldn’t follow diets designed for women… diets don’t work…

How should men lose weight?

The question is, how? If men don’t go in for strict diets, how do they lose weight?

The first trick is to admit you need to. Then DECIDE TO… A recent survey by Cancer Research UK found that a quarter of obese and overweight men didn’t even think they had a weight problem. Admit you need to lose it and then get on with doing it.

After that, the key is to make small lifestyle changes that encourage weight loss, rather than full-on dieting. All current thinking points to lifestyle and mindset change as the way to achieve lifelong change!

Your own manly programme!

Is something we design together. There is no point asking or suggesting to you ideas and concepts that you just done get or can identify with. An individualised tailored response to suit you is whats needed. DECIDE TO… and get rid of that belly fat, bad fat! Lets Talk!

View my weight loss websites or for more information or contact me today…

07921 212728

Belly Fat : Are you carrying too much?!
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