It’s a common presentation…. ‘I am struggling with cravings for chocolate and sweet things’. Existing clients will know I help you address issues around ‘will power’ and working with inner drives that lead you to crave things and to act impulsively. This is often a key stage in making change.   So is understanding and letting go of self blame and low self esteem that a seemingly negative relationship with food can forge. Given this a recent movement in the states that in some ways follows a similar pattern to how the tobacco industry was and continues to be challenged is worth drawing your attention to.   Follow this link to a You Tube trailer re a film called ‘FED UP’. You will see how the brain can find sugar just as addictive as cocaine! The result is an obesity crisis and a new generation facing a lower life expectancy than their parents…the first time this has ever happened.   Prepare to be shocked as you learn how powerfully damaging the food and the sugar industry in particular is. Prepare also to be less fed up with yourself and be ready to address change and to address your addiction. An addiction that was quietly, greedily, foisted upon you by a food industry that is morally bankrupt and without conscience!   I look forward to your comments.   R

FED UP!!?!? The food industry and sugar…
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